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A member registered Aug 19, 2016

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I haven't had any bugs and I managed to unlock 2 classes so far.

The shotgun class is great for last second scoring.

I need to move a lot less to use the sniper correctly.

I also play on both Windows and Android, and I have completed all the levels.

I like the unlock idea, I would use the single player missions to teach players how to use each class.

the title says it all. Maps for 3 or 4 players, I realize that this could mean longer queuing for these maps but I think it is worth the extra wait.

awesome, thanks for letting me know

I requested the same thing last night but worded it a bit differently

I hadn't thought about doing it with a timer, that would work.

well if you make duplicate chains of conditions/actions it would preform the 1 time action multiple times in order of priority. I do think your suggestion about making it veritable would be nicer. 😆

this one is just a time saver... i would like a button that will change all my bots to the same AI

currently I make a really long chain of conditions if I want something to happen only once. I would like a option under actions for that action to happen just the one time.

I would like to be able to target the center of the map. I would use this to tell the bots not to stray too far on maps that lack bases.

I've had this issue too, next time it happens I will do the three finger trick